"I Can Express Myself" is a Comenius 2013-2015 project.

The project “I can express myself” aims to encourage the pupils and teachers in the social-emotional development field which is the one of the most important development fields for kindergarten age children. At this period, a child has not developed the ability of defining emotions and expressing them properly in a right place, and the correct understanding of others’ emotions and needs, in other words the ability to emphasize.

In each school the children at kindergarten age will have pleasant activities such as art, drama, artistic work sheets, stories, music, cartoons and parent’s training. Academic development is prioritized in the curriculum. However, it was proved that some people having high cognitive intelligence did not have similar success in their school, family, social and working life. We come across with Emotional Intelligence (EQ) at this point.

Our partnership will be based on giving opportunity to preschool teachers to experience in different cultures different and beneficial practices on the subjects of defining and showing emotions, raising children having high emotional intelligence. These practices performed by kindergarten children who have not developed wrong behavioral patterns may support raising more peaceful and productive adult generation in the future. We foresee that our project will be beneficial for pupils and handicapped, immigrant, traumatized pupils having special conditions.

The documents (booklets,video, works of art, etc.) will be disseminated in the native language and in English. Certain key words will translated into the partnership languages to create a multilingual dictionary. The project will raise awareness about European languages and will encourage children to learn them.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Christams cards - Poland (Kartki świąteczne)

Here are some cards which we got from Kindergartens, thank you dear Friends from Hungary and Turkey!

Our teachers also sent you postcards ;)

Sunday 27 December 2015

Christmas&New year Cards from Hungary (Macaristan'dan gelen yeni yıl kartlarımız)

Thank You Dear Hungarian Friends,
Merry Christmas and happy new year....
loves from Turkey

Friday 11 December 2015

Videoconference with Hungary - Poland (Wideokonferencja bożonarodzeniowa)

We singed two carols to children&teachers from Kindergarten in Gyuala. It was fantastic virtual meeting. Thank you and wish you marry marry Christmas!

Thursday 29 October 2015

Our knowledge about European Union - contest (Poland) - Konkurs wiedzy o UE

On 29th of October four children from the Bees group took part in the special contest. They were:
- participating in quiz about symbols and countries of EU,
- preparing Polish, English and Dutch salad,
- presenting English flag, which they prepared on their own.

Arranges to this contest were long and required a lot of work. But it was well worth the effort!
The photos below were taken on our class (during the preparation) and the contest.

Friday 12 June 2015

Survey results about children emotions - POLAND (Wyniki ankiety o emocjach dzieci)

                                 Children's emotions - summary of the survey

Survey results show that in teachers and parents opinion children bahaviour is not the same. It's different in the kindergarten and at home. I present the summary below. Score 1 means that preschoolers seldom show their emotions properly, score-sometimes nad score 3-always do it properly.

October 2014

Group name:     Teachers' opinion: Parents' opinion:
Bieronki (the Ladybugs group) - 3 year old children      1,7 2,1
Słoneczka (the Sunny group) - 3 year old children             2 2,3
Motyle (the Butterflies group) - 4 year old children     2,1 2,2
Pszczółki (the Bees group) -  4 year old children     2 2,3
Misie (the Teddy bears group) - 5 year old children     2,1 2,3

April 2015

Group name: Teachers' opinion: Parents' opinion:
Bieronki (the Ladybugs group) - 3,5 year old children  1,9 2,3
Słoneczka (the Sunny group) - 3,5 year old children 1,9 2,2
Motyle (the Butterflies group) - 4,5 year old children 2,3 2,2
Pszczółki (the Bees group) -  4,5 year old children 2,3 2,3
Misie (the Teddy bears group) - 5,5 year old children 1,8 2,4


Hikayelerimizi buradan görebilirsiniz.Tıkla

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Promotion of the project: DEMONSTRATIONAL CLASSES FOR DIRECTORS from kindergarten in Targówek District (Zajęcia pokazowe dla dyrektorów przedszkoli w dzielnicy Targówek)

On 9th of June children from the "Bees" group presented their knowledge about Great Britain and emotions. They were attending the special classes held for directors of all kindergarten in Targówek District. Preschoolers were excited because they wanted to show their best skills. Of course they managed and did it perfectly :)

After the classes our guests saw a presentation with the summary of all project activities and admire the Comenius exhibition.
This meeting showed our guests that last 2 years were hard for us but we are proud and happy that project "I can express myself" could help preschoolers in their emotional development.

Monday 25 May 2015

Extra activities and plays with emotions - Poland (Dodatkowe zajęcia i zabawy o emocjach)

  •  "Composing emotions" during the breakfast:

  •   "Composing emotions" with sticks and bricks:
  • Playing "bowling with emotions":

  •  Playing with the mirror and recognizing emotions:

  • Playing in the sandpit and puzzles with emotions: